In Girl On A Dolphin, the second book in the Kosmoautikon series by Mark Chandos, we continue to follow the journey of Aaron as he and his crew encounter mysterious voices and confront the killer Stendhal, who has murdered the crew of ship 17 and reprogrammed the Replicants to pilot the ship beyond our solar system. As the Replicants embark on their isolated voyage, they make a groundbreaking discovery about the nature of reality and the human mind. Meanwhile, the Army Commander Vargus arrives with Russian ships containing the last pilgrims from dying Earth, including 300 Slavic girls. Vargus is sent on a mission to Europa, where he must extract a new supply of water and alter the course of the tiny moon Metis to collide with Europa in order to create the conditions necessary for carbon-based life on the planet. Along the way, Aaron is joined by Jurate, a seamstress from Siberia, fulfilling a strange prophecy from the first book.


Kosmoautikon: Girl On A Dolphin (Book Two) — E-BOOK

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The earth is temporarily covered in a nuclear snowball and no possibilities remain to return to earth.  Aaron and his crew encounter mysterious voices and confront the killer Stendhal, who has murdered the crew of Ship 17 and reprogrammed the Replicants to pilot the ship beyond our solar system.



Girl On A Dolphin is the second book in the Kosmoautikon series by Mark Chandos.  The earth is temporarily covered in a nuclear snowball and no possibilities remain to return to earth.  Aaron and his crew encounter mysterious voices and confront the killer Stendhal, who has murdered the crew of Ship 17 and reprogrammed the Replicants to pilot the ship beyond our solar system.

The rogue Replicants embark on their isolated voyage and make a groundbreaking discovery about the nature of reality and the human mind. Army Commander Vargus arrives with Russian ships containing the last pilgrims from dying Earth, including 100 Slavic girls. Aarong sends Vargus on a mission to Europa, where he must extract a new supply of water. He receives a second mission to alter the course of the tiny moon Metis to collide with Europa in order to create the conditions necessary for carbon-based life on the planet.

Along the way, Aaron is joined by Jurate, a seamstress from medieval Siberia, fulfilling a strange prophecy from the first book.

Continue the journey with Books 3 & 4 available now!

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America's Epic Poem - Exodus from sapiens


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The only answer to life is more life. The only
answer to perception is more perception.

~ Book Five, Canto Ten

The truth is less complex.
What story will you assemble from fear
of extinction? What god, yet God?
Speak, and I will mark a page.

~ Book Three, Canto Two

When I speak I borrow no dead man's feet. When you hear this sound, you know it is mine.
I use my own voice, pace, and inflection.

~ Book Five, Canto One