You’re invited to open your mind, examine your beliefs, and allow the ideas in this article to pierce your surface. I am not asking you to agree, your validation is unnecessary. I only ask you to consider…and if you think I am wrong, then do better.
Summary of Philosophic Theses in Kosmoautikon by Mark Chandos
• Western scientific, materialist, liberal ideology (modernism) arrests human development. When a totalitarian state takes over all functions of a mature human mind—the ability to face and unravel irrational jeopardy and peril—that citizenry has every incentive to remain in a state of adolescence. Modern citizens are arrested in a permanent state of a jaded puberty. Great poetry cannot be written by adolescents.
• Consciousness would not exist without the rogue male. We discover there is no high civilization without the rogue male. The rogue male is at war. Western civilization is a history of rogue males. In order to maintain totalitarian control of society, modernist states must detect early (and medicate or incarcerate) any reappearance of the rogue male. The rogue male is not an unexamined category of literature. Rogue males are the souls that advanced our innovation of the human genome. Every epic text—every bible—contains a rogue male—as protagonist and hero. The rogue male is thus central to the conversation of Western art. It is central to a new theory of poetry.
• The human mind must conduct a war of good and evil. Consciousness is unfinished and at war. Thus humans, possessing the protocol of consciousness, must have access to a war of good and evil. If under socialism the Western human cannot fully develop, cannot reach maturity through free access to a war of good and evil, then he will be supplanted by men who are allowed to reach maturity. We conduct wars of good and evil because we still do not understand the limits and structures of consciousness. We know absolutely nothing about consciousness. No man can explain his life. So we must make attacks into consciousness.
• Modernism is a linguistic attempt to obscure the origins of the human condition. It is a means of absolute linguistic control of the human genome. Modernism replicates a false, destructive representation of human information. The strong poet, therefore, seeks a new linguistics—a new terraforming of universe—that addresses the crisis of accessing the wrong human reality. This imaginative step, therefore, is essentially a requirement for a new theory of poetry.
• Any new theory of poetry requires a new human righteousness. A human cannot be righteous unless he can tell the truth of his soul. Free access to righteous speech is the essential discovery of poetry. Poetry mirrors the truth of the human genome (soul). Where within the human entity do we discover the truth of our souls? The truth of the human soul is only discovered after a war of good and evil. All righteous speech originates from an urge to conduct a war of good and evil. Modernism, that proscribes all wars, thus blocks a new speech of righteousness. Only the rogue male can break out of the modernist strangle-hold.
• All great codices have existed from all time on the human genome. An epic poem is a codex, that being inevitable, must have, therefore, existed from the beginning of the human genome. Strong poetry—as truth, justice, faith, hope, honor, or courage—was placed there in our genome to be discovered from the beginning. In Story Theory, likewise, the great human epic poems are already located on the human genome—from the beginning of time. Thus the poet remembers—he does not write.
• The purpose of the human condition is to achieve a maturity of expression. The highest expression of any art is only achieved when the master reaches his mature state of expression. There is nothing more mature in human expression than the end state of the rogue male. He has set his teeth against the ice of some obscure wind of Saturn. He is disfigured and glorified by his emulation. There is a story to be told. Instantaneously, our minds recognize the protocol. It is our codex. Modernism does not foster great art because it blocks human maturity.
• The greatest revelations of the last century are discoveries of the epic trope. The greatest discoveries of the late 20th century intimately concern epic literature. 1) The Exodus of the Hebrews from Egypt—the entire genesis of the Hebrew race—was a linguistic construction of Semitic poets— from within Canaan. 2) The cuneiform tablets of Mesopotamia were finally translated—clearly identifying the original creation narratives of the human genome. 3) The discovery that the early Dogan and Egyptian people had exact knowledge of quantum mechanics, atomic theory, and orbits of previously unknown star systems. Each is proof of the power and centrality of the epic trop in the human mind.
• Story Theory explains the phenomenon of the epic trope. Civilizations are built from a collection of linguistic phrases—not science and archeology. Mohammed stitched together a book of Arabic poetry (with not a few stolen stories and characters from the Hebrews). Since that moment, the Arabs were instantaneously righteous—and made conquest in the 7th century AD with this new power—of righteousness. Who would think to separate the Arabic tongue from the text of Arabic righteousness (Koran)? Who would think to separate the Hebrew tongue from the Talmud/Torah? Who would think to separate the King James Bible from the protestant movement? No force of nature could ever separate the Latin vulgate Bible from the Latin Church. It is no coincidence that the moment the Latin vulgate service was replaced with vernacular translation (in our own time)—was also the same moment we witness the end of Latin Christianly in Europe. The proof? As soon as the vernacular Bible took effect in church services in Europe (1960’s), Roman Catholic churches there became museums.
• Modernism avoids an honest discussion of the good and beautiful. Enslaved to market forces, modern media and publishing fear to outrage any demographic that might not fit into any strong statement of the good and beautiful. So the category of conversation is forbidden speech. Modernism will only allow a discussion of the good and the beautiful prefixed by caveats. There must be no assertion of any possible quality that touches ethnic, racial, gender or linguistic exceptionalism. And that means every quality of difference. Thus most human distinctions are politically pre-selected as exactly equivalent—or the speech is proscribed. This, of course, is totalitarianism. There is not an honest and free discussion of the good and beautiful. Until freedom is restored to public discourse, there can be no strong theory of poetry.
• Modernism is exceptional for its poverty of imagination. Modernism is a totalitarian ideology forcing all humans to lose their distinctive cultural differences. The end state if this ideology is mediocrity—that is, to have all humans normalized into a sameness of origin, ethnic, and ideology—a mass society of pacified consumers—each with the sameness of sociology, aspirations, and prospects. In modernist scientific culture the universe is dead. There are no agents of higher constructs—no angels, no spirits, no leviathans, no masters—except the state. The earth is populated with men of drab mental poverty—men who can’t explain their life or the visible universe with imagination—since they are constrained by strict material science.
• The only way to overcome the false existential dualism of “world” is to operate as if we are walking in the mind of god. Humans imagine they are a subject and all the rest of the visible universe are the objects they perceive. In fact, there is no subject and no object— there is only unity in the mind of god. This perspective solves many problems. If we are, in effect, thought projections walking in the mind of god—then we can do no wrong, and all perceived human crisis already has a solution embedded. This is the only solution to unsolvable human interrogations of dualism. This formulation is effective in dismissing the materialism of modernism—as well as placing human consciousness in its proper astral position. We project the universe of “reality” from our minds. This is both the correct interrogative and the correct solution to all the cases that are cases of world.
• Will there be a time when the human mind has total and absolute knowledge of all phenomena? Never. Such a state of complete knowledge is never to be achieved. This insight tells us everything we need to know. Since there will never be a state of compete knowledge, it means we must have a cultic response to our limitations of knowledge. It is thus madness to pursue (through science) the myth that we will, someday, somehow, have a scientific breakthrough that will solve all mysteries of life. We must have a sacred feedback now—not sometime in the ever-extending future. We have the right to emotional feedback of life—now—not in a future that never will materialize. Thus we must build a cultic response—we must create the form, the cycle, the ritual, the supreme idiomatic text of our expectation of life—even before we know exactly how the house of consciousness is actually pieced together. It means there is a need for religion and a central epic text.
• Replication is modernism’s sole intellectual advance on human civilization. The philosophical underpinning, the essential product of modernism—is not “advanced” technology, engineering, design, or energy—it is the replication of each. The genius of modernism is its repeatability. There can be no engineering, aviation, or manufacture without the discovery of the quality of replication. The civilization of modernism has only one philosophical discovery– replication.
• Beauty is not the search for truth. Beauty is a verification of perspective. The perfected idioms of 12th century gothic cathedrals in France were not made because there was doubt in the hearts of men. Medieval men did not make beautiful cathedrals because they doubted the truth. Medieval men, as pagan men before them, built beautiful cathedrals because they already found the truth—and no longer doubted. This is what civilizations perform. A civilization isolates an exclusive perspective of human— and perfects it to the maturity of its expression. This is what we seek in a new theory of poetry—a cathedral. Modernism still waits for more information—and it is still unsure.
• Modernism ensures mediocrity. As liberal socialism advances, it will attempt to make all distinctions of beauty disappear between men. It will insist that all men and women are distinctionless, that they are precisely the exact entity—and extreme fanatics will attempt to enshrine this ideology into social law. Liberalism guarantees the end of freedom. In the future all humans will be handicapped—and they will need to be placed under the permanent care and support of the government. Government only guarantees mediocrity.
• What will destroy the citizen’s belief in modernism? When all citizens are under surveillance 24/7, the modern faith will end. When all human phone and text messages are recorded and stored, it is certain that a new (future) political regime (or demographic) will wish to check your speech against a template of new political correctness. In the future, every citizen will have handicapped parking spaces. Every child will be evaluated and issued his disease at an early age. When modernism produces and supports only the handicapped, then modernism will lose its glitter. And to pay for the future care of every voting citizen, the government will tax citizens and goods until there is no free market. This is when the citizen will turn away from modernism. This time has arrived.
• Modern information is not reliable. As a hermetically sealed, self-referent linguistic code, modernism manufactures its own research, evidences, and discoveries of facts. Modernism is an epidemic of false evidence. Modern industrial markets control what information is generated and then privileges the same manufactured data that seems to evidence the superiority of modernism. The answer to any question that is posed by modernism is only an application of more modernism. Therefore any question and answer (as information) that modernism proposes for human life is insidious. Modernism is a self-licking ice cream cone.
• The aim of any linguistic code is to eradicate all other linguistic patterns. Consciousness does not exist without feedback (communication). Thus we say that human consciousness is linguistic construct. How does consciousness operate? Consciousness selects—ruthlessly. Literature (as an expression of consciousness) seeks hegemony. Any hegemonic consciousness (as any linguistic ideology) must eradicate all other interpretations of life. Murder appears not to be a moral consideration in the protocol of consciousness. This can only mean that the bodies that are murdered are not the final form of reality. Real things cannot be killed or eradicated. Therefore all that does exist is a pattern of communication that makes a privileged selection of bias ruthlessly.
• All speech is a form of prophecy. Modernism denies the legitimacy of prophecy in the modern world. Yet speech, itself, is prophecy. Speech, as text, is a function of making future life forms. Any speech or text that a modern scientist composes is essentially a prophecy of future life forms. Thus prophecy as a function of communication is universally still in effect. Every thesis paper on astronomy, biology, physics, or mathematics, for example, is an attempt at prophecy. Every word that ever proceeded out of a human mouth is an attempt at prophecy. If all speech is a form of prophecy, then poetry (as high charismatic speech) must preeminently be the medium of prophecy.
• The epic trope contains the fossil record of the origin of the astral mind. There is no archeology of high human imagination. The origin of the human imagination has no foundation in terrestrial constructs. All our dreams, myths, epics, and prophecies operate from the astral plane of relative cosmology. The five-millennia-long epic trope confirms the origin of the human mind in a non-terrestrial coordinate. Hercules, Jason, Zeus, Moses, Apollo, Sampson, Gilgamesh exist on no terrestrial coordinate. The epic myths do not concern humans—they concern relative cosmology with an astral location of life from a particular section of the night sky— designated in the star clusters of Orion, Cygnus, and the Sirius system. The human epic trope (our linguistic DNA) contains the fossil record of the origin of the astral mind. All text, all DNA, is a fossil map. Thus we are able to say with accuracy, In my atom is an ark.
• The human mind terraforms any astral location in the universe. There is no earth. There is only a human mind that designates— linguistically—a grid coordinate of earth. If tomorrow there was no earth, then the mind of man would simply terraform another astral coordinate as a platform to rehearse and enact the bias contained in mental consciousness. We thus make a home for our mind in any coordinate within consciousness. Globular, terrestrial, inhabited earths are entirely constructs of the astral mind. Until this is fully understood, humans will live as voluntary mental prisoners. Kosmoautikon shows a way out of this.
“We had to remove your planet—and then your bones.”